Monday, October 24, 2005


Playing with my trade triggers so I wouldnt have to worry about losing out on gains while I was in class, I set ILSE to sell at $14 incase it got a sudden "jump". Of course with my luck it hit this, I did want to hold on to it until 15, but when you get 7.94% gains(excluding trading costs) in one position within 4 trading days I see it as good reason to take a quick profit.

Note: This was a risky move on my part, But the reward paid off quickly.

Portfolio stats since February 15th:
Realized gains: 12.54%
Unrealized Gains: 6.4%

I am currently not very happy with my unrealized gains, BUT If I excluded trading costs it would be 8.28%, Also 57% of the difference is in Dividend Yielders, which I bought as long term investments. Currently my portfolio has higher than average trading costs, but I am justifying it with that sweet realized gains number, which now has beaten my End of Year Taget of 10.5% (1% a month), and the nice little divided stream I'm getting.

Now lets compare

S&P500 - Feb 15th - 1210.12 Oct 24th~3:30 - 1194.6 -1.28%
NASDAQ - Feb 15th - 2083.64 Oct 24th~3:30 - 2105.4 +1.02%
DOW - Feb 15th - 10,791.06 Oct 24th~3:30 - 10344.42 -4.31%

I'll take my portfolio instead :)

Now what to buy next...
I am currently watching GE, TWX, XEC and ILSE if there's a suitable re entry point... which will also depend on their earnings call tomorrow.


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